Tabernacle Kindergarten
The Tabernacle URC featured a school room ever since it was rebuilt in 1867. The Sunday School was a central part of the church up until the 1960’s. We are now lucky enough to have a Kindergarten operating from the church which returns education, inspiration and the play of young children to the life of the church.
Education is an important part of our future and we encourage school visits to the garden our heritage programme and organise events. The Grove school has visited on several occasions and contributed to making a bug hotel in the Tabernacle Garden Through Time. Children and families from schools and community were invited to our Community Nativity Trail in December 2023. And in the summer of 2024 children were invited with a local artist to turn rubbish into art.
Events such as the Queen's jubilee were celebrated with a strawberry tea and with creation of a memorial garden Her chosen Jubilee roses can be seen along with native trees planted from her canopy scheme encouraging planting of native trees. We have shared the fun of Apple Day , barbecues and dances and music in the garden. If you have an idea of using the garden for community events , please get in touch.
The original Victorian school room had fallen into a state of disrepair. However this is being restored. It will be used to give future generations a hands on connection with their past. We are seeking to replace rotten windows but a new floor and internal decoration is now complete.
Our involvement with the Kindergarten had enabled us to achieve the funding for the extension build and other modernising within the building. Sadly in 2024, after many years, Sandy has announced her retirement and closure of the Kindergarten nursery with extra child-care now available withing the Flying Start programme and wrap around care at Grove School nearby.
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